Parish Organizations

There are many opportunities to participate in the life of this dynamic, energetic parish. The most important work of the parish is done in Commissions. There are also many committees and other groups that carry out the mission of St. Matthew's. Call the Parish Office if you're interested in learning about any of the following:

Annual Fundraiser

Each year, parishioners organize the church's biggest fundraiser. In the past, it has been The Bedford Spring Antiques Show. In 2019, we held a very popular "Daffodils and Dancing" dinner event, which has become Cocktails and Peonies.  Money raised by these events is used to support the operating budget of the church. Volunteers are always welcomed!

Audit Committee

(Mary Farley)

The Audit Committee aids the vestry and financial administrator in completing and reviewing the annual audit. All churches in the Diocese of New York having Net Operating Income over $400,000 are required to have a full audit.

Bedell Committee

(David Andryc and Robyn McCree)

The Bedell fund is an endowment formed from the estate of Hope Bedell. It is administered by a committee of eight members appointed by the Vestry to a 3 year term, with a maximum of two terms. The Committee also includes the Rector (ex officio) and a Vestry liaison. The Committee researches and recommends to the Vestry requests for funding of capital projects to assist other Episcopal churches principally in Region II of the NY Diocese.

Children and Youth Ministries Commission

(Church School: Melissa Torres and Meredith Kent; Confirmation: John Zahl; Youth Group: Peter Scala and Meredith Kent)

The Church School (pre-school through 8th grade) introduces our children to a Christian life using a Bible-based curriculum. Each Sunday, dedicated volunteers teach the children Christ's message by reading stories from the Bible, acting out playlets and leading the children in such special events as the Christmas Pageant. Confirmation takes place in 8th grade.  Youth Group is open to 6th - 12th graders. Those who would like to devote time to our youth are encouraged to volunteer. 

Churchyard Committee

(Mrs. Stephen Borner and Eric Reimer)

St. Matthew's has a large and historic Churchyard dating from pre-Revolutionary times. The maintenance of the Churchyard and of the graves and headstones is the responsibility of the Churchyard Committee. A memorial columbarium has recently been added to the Churchyard and the committee's responsibilities. Members of this committee are appointed by the chair.

Communications Committee

(June Blanc: THE KEY: Herbert Foster and June Blanc; website: June Blanc and Mary Farley; Facebook: Liz Frascella; Church PR: Herb Foster)

Keeping the parish informed is the role of this committee. It produces THE KEY, St. Matthew's monthly newsletter; the weekly email newsletter, maintains the parish website; and manages the parish's other social media and electronic communications.

Diocesan Convention Delegation

The Rector and the Vestry choose members to represent St. Matthew's at the annual Diocesan Convention. The Convention provides those parishes within the Episcopal Diocese of New York with guidance and direction from the Presiding Bishop and the Bishops. It is the responsibility of the St. Matthew's Delegation to vote on, relay, and report on the discussions and decisions made at the Convention.

Human Resources/Compensation Committee

(June Blanc and Scott Brown)

This committee oversees the staffing of our administration, including job descriptions, personnel policies, employment agreements, employee assessments and compensation and benefits. It acts as an advisor to the Rector and reports to the Vestry.

Investment Committee

(Piers MacDonald)

The Rector and Vestry invite selected members of St. Matthew's to serve on the Investment Committee. The monies raised by, given to, or held in endowments for St. Matthew's Church are invested and the income realized by these investments used to fund the many enterprises and projects carried out by our church. A careful, balanced and prudent investment policy that takes account of market trends is vital to maintain the church's investment portfolio. It is the responsibility of the Investment Committee to examine, devise and recommend an investment policy and to implement and monitor the policy.

Men of St. Matthew's

(Tom Eshoo and Ryan Kent)

All male parishioners are members of the Men of St. Matthew's. Volunteers assist the Property Commission in the spring and fall clean up. Volunteers also organize the All Parish Picnic in June, the Haunted Hike supper in October, and help with the Lenten pancake supper. There is always room for active volunteers.

The Men of St. Matthew's Breakfasts (Ian MacLean and Eric Parsons) have become a popular activity open to all men in the parish. Held on the third Saturday of every month (September through June) from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. and every Saturday during Lent. The format is informal discussion on topics of interest led by one of the participants. 

Music Committee

(Roger Blanc)

This committee works with Director of Music Anthony Newman in coordinating the Bedford Chamber Concerts.

Pastoral Care Team

(Christine P. Foster)

This Committee is dedicated to helping parishioners in their time of need. The volunteers work to aid, sustain, and help our parish family. Cooks prepare and deliver meals to the homebound, including the sick, the bereaved and those just out of the hospital.  Other volunteers rearrange the altar flowers to be delivered to ailing parishioners. There are always opportunities for more volunteers to become involved. The pastoral care team also provides lay Eucharistic ministry to shut-ins and healing prayers after services.

Outreach Commission

(Laura Sturz and Caroline Shepherd)

The purpose of the Outreach Commission is to extend St. Matthew's reach into the community and touch the lives of others. Funded by parish fundraising activities, the volunteers of the Outreach Commission carry out over 20 Christian and charitable projects in the local community. These projects include mentoring children, helping the aged, feeding the sick or poor, giving a child a Christmas present, providing high school scholarships and providing prison inmates with educational tools. The Commission has its own brochure that explains its programs.

Property Commission

(Andy Brenner and Paul Matthews)

St. Matthew's enjoys beautiful, historic buildings and expansive grounds, with them comes the infrastructure that provides heating, light, and water to the properties. The preservation and maintenance of these are the responsibility of the Property Commission. The volunteers who serve on this commission plan and implement a continuous maintenance and refurbishment program for all St. Matthew's properties.

Stewardship Committee

(David McCree, Noriko Akinla and Greg Gaynor)

The members of this committee are selected and invited to serve by the Rector and Vestry. They are responsible for communicating the importance of the Annual Stewardship Drive formally known as the Every Member Canvass, during which parishioners are asked to pledge their financial support to St. Matthew's. 

         Ketchum Society

(Christine P. Foster and Harold Talbot)

The Ketchum Society is formed of parishioners who have recognized St. Matthew's in their wills. No specific amount is required nor is any bequest made public.

Welcome Commission

(Phebe and Geoff Robertson)

Members of the Welcome Commission are responsible for supporting the clergy in welcoming and integrating newcomers into the St. Matthew's family. They visit and welcome newcomers with a homemade loaf of bread and host parties for newcomers. In cooperation with the Volunteer Coordinators, Commission members help draw those newly arrived into active involvement in the St. Matthew's community. The Commission is always seeking new members to help with this important work.

Women of St. Matthew's

(Deanna MacLean and Leigh Gartner)

All female parishioners are members of the Women of St. Matthew's. Originally founded as a sewing group to provide clothing for soldiers during the Civil War, The Women of St. Matthew's has evolved into an important resource for our parish as well as for a number of local and regional community organizations. We are committed to doing Christ's work by serving the Church, our parish and our community. We strive to promote fellowship within the parish, and actively seek to assist with parish needs and to provide outreach support to community organizations. 

Our calendar is a full one. In addition to hosting the Blessing of the Pets and the Annual Parish Christmas Brunch, we are delighted to be able to work with other parish organizations on activities such as Spring and Fall Clean-Up, Maundy Thursday Supper, Mardi Gras and the Parish Picnic, to name a few. We are honored to provide hospitality to those visiting our parish and also enjoy providing assistance with the special events that make St. Matthew's so special. Our ongoing projects on behalf of the parish include coffee hour and the oversight of our wonderful library.

         Art Show: Bedford

(Jenny Convery and Tara Deeks)

We are able to fund our outreach activities through a number of fundraising avenues, the most significant of which is Art Show: Bedford. The show has become a local institution over the past thirty years and all of its proceeds are used to support outreach programs. 

         Coffee Hour

(Deanna MacLean)

Coffee hour teams of 4-5 volunteers provide coffee hour after the 10 a.m. service from September to June. Teams work approximately 4 Sundays per year. Volunteers are always needed.

Woodlands Commission

(Chris Burdick, Heather Langham and Ian MacLean)

In 2002, twenty-five acres of a wilderness preserve created by the estate of Mrs. Rainsford in memory of Arthur Ketchum called the Ketchum Sanctuary was added to the existing 40 acres of glebe land. This beautiful forest contains walks and trails, streams, bridges and benches. The volunteers who form the Woodlands Commission are responsible to the Rector and Vestry for the management of these lands. Their duties include producing the plans that manage the care of trees, maintaining the paths and trails, ensuring the repair of damaged bridges and addressing the effects of erosion.

Worship Commission

(John Zahl)

The Worship Commission headed by the Rector, is formed from the head of the committees and guilds that assists the clergy and Director of Music in planning and administering worship services. These include Altar Guild, Flower Committee, Choirs and those listed below. Their aims are to encourage and enhance the worship experiences of parishioners and visitors of St. Matthew's.


(Noriko Akinla)

The Acolytes are middle and high school volunteers (grade 6-12) who, following a period of training, perform such liturgical duties as lighting candles, leading processions, assisting at the altar, and helping lead the congregation in the liturgy.

         The Altar Guild

(Mrs. Stephen Borner )

The Altar Guild is made up of volunteers who serve on nine committees that work throughout the year to both beautify the church and ensure the smooth running of the services. Members are present at each worship service including weddings and funerals. They maintain the altars and sanctuaries, polish the brass and silver, and care for the linens and vestments. The Holy Eucharist sub-committee prepares the communion vessels and dresses the altar on Sundays and all special communion services.

        The Flower Committee

(Mrs. Michael Lindsay-Stewart)

The Flower Committee is part of the Altar Guild. They purchase the flowers and arrange them for the altar, the chapel, the memorial window and to greet you as you enter the vestibule of the church. They are dedicated artists who decorate the church and the Children’s Chapel on holy days such as Christmas, Easter, All Saints and Pentecost and on such special celebrations as Thanksgiving. The Committee is organized into small teams assigned to each worship service. They usually practice their art on Saturday mornings and would welcome additional volunteers.

         Lay Eucharistic Ministers

(Debbie Stiles

Lay Readers are licensed by the Diocese of New York to assist at services throughout the year. They assist the clergy by reading lessons and other liturgical material and helping with the distribution of the communion wine.


(Debbie Stiles)

Lectors are volunteers who read the Old and New Testament during church services.


(William Fagan)

The ushers assist the congregation during services. Their duties are to greet worshipers, assist the frail, seat the congregation and hand out the service bulletin. They regulate the flow to the altar during Holy Communion and collect and count the offerings. They are available to assist in the case of emergency (some are CPR and first-aid trained.) Volunteers are welcome.

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