All female parishioners are members of the Women of St. Matthew's. Originally founded as a sewing group to provide clothing for soldiers during the Civil War, The Women of St. Matthew's has evolved into an important resource for our parish as well as for a number of local and regional community organizations. We are committed to doing Christ's work by serving the Church, our parish and our community. We strive to promote fellowship within the parish, and actively seek to assist with parish needs and to provide outreach support to community organizations.
Our calendar is a full one. In addition to hosting the Blessing of the Pets and the Annual Parish Christmas Brunch, we are delighted to be able to work with other parish organizations on activities such as Spring and Fall Clean-Up, Maundy Thursday Supper, and the Parish Picnic, to name a few. We are honored to provide hospitality to those visiting our parish and also enjoy providing assistance with the special events that make St. Matthew's so special. Our ongoing projects on behalf of the parish include coffee hour and the oversight of our wonderful library. Please contact
Deanna MacLean if you have any questions.
Art Show: Bedford (Jenny Convery and Tara Deeks)
We are able to fund our outreach activities through a number of fundraising avenues, the most significant of which is Art Show: Bedford. The show has become a local institution over the past thirty years and all of its proceeds are used to support outreach programs.
Coffee Hour (Deanna MacLean)
Coffee hour teams of 4-5 volunteers provide coffee hour after the 10 a.m. service from September to June. Teams work approximately 4 Sundays per year. Volunteers are always needed.
All male parishioners are members of the Men of St. Matthew's. Volunteers organize spring and fall clean up for the Property Commission. Volunteers also organize the All Parish Picnic in June, and the Haunted Hike pizza supper.
The Men of St. Matthew's Breakfasts have become a popular activity open to all men in the parish. Held on the third Saturday of every month Fellowship Room, and every Saturday during Lent, the format entails informal discussion on topics of interest. At each meeting, a participant leads the discussion.
Another favorite event for many men in normal times is the occasional Blazer Restaurant Lunch held on a weekday and frequently attended by John Zahl or Drew Courtright.